The King Baudouin Foundation’s mission is to contribute to a better society.
The Foundation is an actor for change and innovation, serving the public interest and increasing social cohesion in Belgium, in Europe and elsewhere in the world. We seek to maximize our impact by strengthening the capacity of organizations and individuals. We also stimulate effective philanthropy by individuals and corporations.
The Foundation’s key values are integrity, transparency, pluralism, independence, respect for diversity, and promoting solidarity.
The Foundation develops activities around these programmes to serve the public interest: social justice and poverty; health, democracy; climate, environment and biodiversity; education and the development of talents; heritage and culture; Europe and international.
The King Baudouin Foundation is a public benefit foundation. The Foundation was set up in 1976 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of King Baudouin's reign.
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Our donation services are at your disposal to answer any question you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Donation and fiscal receipt
A donation is the transfer of an item of property from one party to another, i.e., without any benefit for the donor. The best known way of doing this is a donation in cash, which often takes the form of a bank transfer.
Membership fees, subscriptions to journals and payments for which the donor receives a benefit in return consequently cannot be considered as a donation.
Belgian donors
Donations of 40 euros or more made via the King Baudouin Foundation give rise to a tax reduction of 45% of the amount actually paid and stated on the certificate issued by the Foundation.
The fiscal receipt for all your donations to the Foundation will be sent to you at the end of February of the following year, by post or e-mail (provided the Foundation has your e-mail address).
European donors
Donors who are resident or established in France, the Netherlands, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Denmark who wish to support a philanthropic tool managed by the King Baudouin Foundation can make their donations directly to the Foundation while benefiting from certain tax advantages of their country of residence.
Donors based in Europe wishing to support Funds 'Friends of', European Friends Fund, International Friends Fund, project accounts, cultural patronage accounts for the performing arts/museums and solidarity accounts for schools are invited to support the organisation through the Transnational Giving Europe network
For Funds hosted by the King Baudouin Foundation only (Friends' Funds, project accounts, a cultural patronage account for the performing arts/museums and solidarity accounts for schools are therefore excluded):
Thanks to its recognition by the Danish Tax Agency, the King Baudouin Foundation is able to issue official tax certificates to Danish donor taxpayers. For each donation made, the King Baudouin Foundation sends a dedicated tax certificate by post or e-mail (provided the Foundation has your e-mail address). This tax certificate asks the Danish donor to provide their civil registration number to the King Baudouin Foundation, which is responsible for declaring the donations to the Danish tax authorities. Danish donors cannot declare donations themselves in their tax returns. For more details on Danish tax legislation, please visit the Danish Tax Office website.